At Your Service

Catholic Hospice provides compassionate in-home/in-facility care through a variety of comprehensive hospice services. Each patient, along with their loved ones, will receive an individualized plan of care tailored to their specific needs.

From practical care to grief counseling, our interdisciplinary staff goes above and beyond to support you in this difficult time. We’re here for you — on call 24/7.


Music Therapy

Music therapy for hospice patients has many clinical benefits. Our board-certified music therapist designs treatment sessions based on your loved one’s particular needs, and can include singing, moving, or listening to live, patient-preferred music during an individual or group session.

Pet Peace of Mind

Humans aren’t the only ones in need of support during hospice care. You and your furry friends will be at ease with the help of our Pet Peace of Mind program. Catholic Hospice attends to your pet’s needs, including feeding, walking, visiting the vet, and maintaining a clean environment.

Camp Erin

Camp Erin® South Florida is a weekend bereavement camp for youth who are grieving the death of a significant person in their lives. Led by Catholic Hospice professionals and caring volunteers, campers are provided a safe environment — at no cost — to explore their grief, learn essential coping skills and make friends with peers who are also grieving.

Grief Support

We understand that you are coping with very tough emotions during our care. Our grief support and counseling programs ensure that you won’t be alone.

Highly trained psychosocial professionals are there to walk beside both the patient and their loved ones. Social workers assist with resource arrangements, while religious figures and mental health clinicians work with any exhibiting signs of anticipatory grief. The bereavement team is dedicated to offering emotional support for up to 13 months following a death. Our services also extend beyond those who have chosen Catholic Hospice.

We also offer free support groups to the community. Downloadable Support Groups.  For more information, contact our Bereavement Hotline at (305) 351-7025.

Veterans Hospice Care

Catholic Hospice is committed to serving those who have served our country. Since 2012, the “We Honor Veterans” program has empowered our hospice professionals to comfort patients with military service history and/or physical or psychological trauma. The program, which works in collaboration with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and Veterans Association, has made its mark in the South Florida community, including at the Miami inpatient hospice VA.

Palliative Care

Catholic Hospice offers palliative care to provide relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. The goal of this specialized care is to improve quality of life for our patients and their families.

Palliative care can be added alongside curative treatment. Our specially-trained team works together with your other doctors to provide an extra layer of support at any stage of a serious illness.

Wishes Granted

Our staff does everything possible to ensure each patient lives their lives to the fullest — the “Wishes Granted” initiative allows our patients to see out their last wish with their loved ones. With the generous support of our community, the project offers a range of heart-warming opportunities, such as birthday celebrations, pet therapy, outings to area attractions and more. Contact us to learn how you can help make dreams a reality.


Our volunteer program provides even more compassion and companionship for patients. From keeping patients company to providing administrative help, as a Catholic Hospice volunteer you are an essential part of serving our mission.

(Once you have completed the application) Contact our Volunteer Department at 305-351-7052 or